Monday, December 23, 2019
Teaching Students With Quality Assessments - 1052 Words
Introduction Education is a field that is constantly evolving and as teachers it is important that changes are made to be as effective as possible. Curriculum mapping, planning, and assessment building have been topics at the forefront of many conversations in the field of education. As teachers have become smarter about their field, they have made instructional and assessment changes that benefit students learning needs. The assessment practices we use in the classroom should be used to promote student learning (McTighe O’Connor, 2005). As educators it is important that the goals we have are used to support the learning in all students. Providing students with quality assessments can help students be successful in the learning process†¦show more content†¦By giving students pre-assessments teachers are able to diagnose â€Å"students’ prior knowledge and skill level, identify student misconceptions, profile learners’ interests, and reveal learning-sty le preferences†(McTighe O’Connor, 2005). With the knowledge gained from this type of assessment, teachers are better able to make instructional decisions that will decrease negative classroom behaviors. When students have a active role in the assessment process they perform better. I know understand that students must take an active roll in the assessment process to benefit from their learning. As a teacher, if I want students to be successful on assessments I have to include students in the process. New Practices I have gained several new practices from this course. Prior to this course my students used portfolios to track their learning over the semester. In order to give students more control over the assessment process, I have begun allowing students to choose the assessments to place in their portfolios. Once this is done, I have asked student reflect on their work and their learning. Anne Davies (2007) suggests â€Å"students learn more as they reflect and select evidence of learning to show others†(p.50). By allowing my students to choose the work that goes into their learning portfolios and reflecting, students are able to use their best work for grading. By trying this with my current students, I haveShow MoreRelated5 Keys to Quality Assessment826 Words  | 4 Pages‘Five key ideas about quality assessment’ – Keep it to 5 main points and write a few sentences on each. Use references to support your ideas. McMillan (2011) describes assessment as the gathering, interpretation and use of information to support teacher decision-making. 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Principles of assessments VALIDITY A valid form of assessment measures what it supposes to be measured. â€Å"A valid assessment must also assess a sample of the abilities that are required in the curriculum†(Ian Reece, 2007, teaching, training and learning) Fairness: Fairness censures that everyone has an equal chance of getting a good assessment. â€Å"All learners areRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Refuge By Jackie French1526 Words  | 7 Pagesmulticultural issue that students are able to relate to. It is an Australian novel that addresses two cross-curriculum priorities that are set out by the New South Wales Board of Studies (2012): Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures as well as Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia. The text celebrates multiculturalism and nationhood and shows how composers can artistically create imagined texts through careful control of the English language. 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