Monday, August 24, 2020
Comparative Analysis of Dominant Russian and American Values
Near examination of predominant Russian and American Values The topic of qualities becomes significant when we can't comprehend and clarify the conduct of outsiders. Most likely you know this from your own understanding of correspondence with individuals from different nations: once in a while we believe that outsiders act peculiarly or inconsiderately or only uniquely in contrast to what we anticipate. As a rule this is what is generally called â€Å"cultural misunderstanding†. Alright, presently let’s harp on the idea â€Å"value†. There is an extensive disarray encompassing the meaning of values.In hate of the way that there are numerous definitions and endless investigations, no definition has pulled in far reaching agreement. Kurt Baier noticed that to characterize esteems sociologists utilize a confounding bounty of terms, seething from what an individual needs, wants, needs, appreciates, likes to what the network appreciates, authorizes or upholds. The ide a of significant worth alludes to two differentiating thoughts. At one outrageous we talk about financial qualities dependent on items, riches, costs †on exceptionally material things. In another specific situation, be that as it may, the word â€Å"value†secures a theoretical, elusive and non-quantifiable meaning.Among such otherworldly qualities are opportunity, harmony, equity, value. In numerous social orders we locate a developing threat between a portion of the new qualities spread by the broad communications, and the conventional qualities acquired from an earlier time. For instance, we can single out such matches as: conventional sex jobs/obscuring of sex jobs or customary family life/elective families. Be that as it may, let’s examine so much stuff by taking a gander at two nations, America and Russia. Most importantly, we’ll give some expressive data, at that point we’ll think about them. America.Before we can completely comprehend the pre dominant American perspective we have to examine the authentic and social underlying foundations of standard American culture. The most punctual pilgrims who went toward the North American landmass were spurred by the longing to get away from the control and the social request of government, privileged, and set up houses of worship. They were looking for alleviation from mistreatment and destitution and were prepared to make a new beginning. Opportunity is at the focal point of every one of that Americans worth and hold dear. The U. S. Bill of Rights, sanctioned in 1791, guarantees singular rights, for example, the right to speak freely of discourse, press and religion.The idea of individual opportunity started to be related with the United States. By â€Å"freedom†Americans comprehend the craving and the capacity of a person to control his own existence without obstruction from any sorted out power. As should be obvious, Americans' idea of opportunity concentrated on the in dividual and independence. The early pioneers were generally ranchers whose achievement relied upon their capacity to endure and go up against hardships all alone. This romanticized independent individual is effectively unmistakable in the mechanical age as a little specialist who turned into a budgetary accomplishment on his own.This solid confidence in independence and independence is the essential part of the American character. Despite the fact that individuals are not equivalent in their capacities, uniformity of chance is comprehended by Americans as an equivalent possibility for progress, an equivalent begin to enter the race for progress. Be that as it may, this fantasy declaring equivalent open doors has gotten one of the most battered standards of today. Just a moderately modest number of individuals under corporate free enterprise can arrive at zenith of achievement, regardless of what number of individuals are gifted or spurred to succeed.Only a couple can arrive at the top since they could train themselves and work hardest. There is likewise support from Protestant religious philosophy, which will in general partner difficult work and individual accomplishment with being in favor with God. In any setting buckling down is profoundly regarded by Americans. The confidence of numerous Americans is firmly associated with performing gainful and remunerating work. Understudies and youngsters are urged to work low maintenance to increase significant experience and become contributing individuals from the family as opposed to being a dependant.Being a beneficial individual from the general public is significant and applauded and it isn't astounding that old individuals and the crippled endeavor to be helpful and gainful in any capacity they can. The expression â€Å"to go from clothes to riches†mirrors the incomparable American dream in which material riches and assets are one of the top needs. Russia. Russia, more than some other nation, has consi stently been a test for rationalists and antiquarians who attempted to give a legitimate depiction of Russia's national personality and national character. There are, nonetheless, purposes for this uniqueness and complexity.Russia is an old nation with the historical backdrop of over 11 centuries. It frequently happened that the new phase of improvement prevented all the qualities from securing the past one: from Tsarist Russia to Socialism, from Socialist Russia to the Free Market Economy. Nonetheless, regardless of these far reaching developments Russia has consistently shown its extraordinarily Russian character and style which have made due through hundreds of years and oppose all endeavors to change or westernize Russia. It is difficult to move toward the way of life of Russian individuals without attempting to take a gander at the geopolitical setting inside which Russia has lived for centuries.Russia is a huge nation, arranged on the junction of Europe and Asia. With such an immense region to administer, Russia developed into a state governed from its middle. Separation and seclusion forestalled simple correspondence with different focuses of human advancement which added to disengagement from unnecessary remote impact and to the uniqueness of the Russian national perspective. Russia is additionally a northern nation with a long virus winter and short summer. The brutal atmosphere made Russians solid and sound, equipped for suffering outrageous hardship, patient and wary, dependant on the trial of time.The huge regions and cold atmosphere, along with the need to endure and oppose the assaults of neighboring nations developed the soul of communalism, which is regularly viewed as a prevalent Russian worth. From ancient occasions when Russians united together to develop the land, to fell the trees, to reap the harvests and to shield themselves from intruders, sobornost (mutual soul, fellowship) turned into a particular element of Russians as opposed to the independence and seriousness of the West. Communalism simultaneously realized such goals as reliance on one another's assistance, shared help and trust.Russians depend on a nearby system of loved ones and colleagues as assurance against the dangers and capriciousness of day by day life. Then again, common attitude is strange to the soul of confidence and duty. Russians became acclimated to being determined what to do and what to think. Indeed, even in the advanced quickly changing world dynamic is frequently hard for Russians who want to allude choices to higher-ups, along these lines freeing themselves of the duty in the event that things turn out badly. Another significant component of the Russian national worth framework †inclination of otherworldly over material.N. Berdyaev believed Russians to be the most otherworldly individuals on the planet and guaranteed that the economy can be seen uniquely as an instrument however not the objective or the most elevated worth. With t he approach of the market economy these days it might appear that numerous customary qualities will change drastically. Conventional qualities are as yet solid †benevolence, feeling of obligation, empathy, the significance of family, and love of nature, boldness and good quality. We may just expectation that gave new reasonable measurements, these qualities will remain the standard Russian values.The List of Russian-American Values. 1. Going to limits (Russians) versus control in all things (Americans) A Russian can go through the entirety of his cash in an eatery during one night, Americans would likely never do this and would consider the Russian conduct unusual or simply stupid. 2. Kindness (Russians) versus being saved (Americans) A Russian can converse with a total outsider on the train about their issues, an American would presumably want to discuss football, as opposed to impart their issues to anyone. 3. Liberality, neighborliness (Russians) vs.BEING PRACTICAL, setting aside cash (Americans) While Russian supper is a genuine gala, Americans make the same number of cheeseburgers as there are visitors expected; if Americans welcome you for espresso, they mean espresso and nothing else. 4. Grumbling about issues (Russians) versus Being in every case OK (Americans) Russians and Americans take care of their issues in various manners: if Russians have issues they go to their family members or companions, if Americans have issues, they go to their therapist. Russians and Americans likewise vary in obtaining cash: Russians get cash from their family members or companions, Americans acquire cash from the bank. . Basic/amusing disposition to one's nation (Russians) versus energy (Americans) Russian love of their nation is land (they love their temperament, their birch-trees); American love is political (they love their opportunity and vote based system and they accept that it's their holy obligation to ensure opportunity and majority rule government everywh ere throughout the world). 6. â€Å"Being†direction (Russians) versus â€Å"Action†direction (Americans) Americans are increasingly dynamic genuinely and intellectually. Russians like to sit at home doing pretty much nothing and acquiring minimal expenditure for little work instead of to stand the physical strains of hard work.Russians lean toward scholarly amusement to going in for sports (Americans favor sports). 7. Recreation direction (Russians) versus Work direction (Americans) You have buckled down before the test. At the point when you go to your test and get â€Å"5†you tell your associates that you knew it all and you merited it (American); you tell your partners that you knew nothing and got â€Å"5†due to cheating (Russian). 8. P
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Bridgeton Industries Essay Example for Free
Bridgeton Industries Essay 1. Portray the serious condition for Bridgeton just as the cost bookkeeping framework presently being used. At the point when outside rivalry and rare, costly gas started to assume a significant job in the market, Bridgeton started to lose local piece of the pie. The ACF Bridgeton plant confronted new difficulties in their creation that drove them to genuine reductions like the end of the ACF plant for production of eco-friendly diesel motors. By 1987, they arranged their items as far as â€Å"world class†serious position and potential. With four models (quality, client assistance, specialized ability and serious cost position) they ordered their items in Class I (remain), II (watch) and III (re-appropriate). The characterization permitted Bridgeton to take choices on the best way to all the more likely deal with their items execution contrasted with their rivals. The cost bookkeeping framework was item costing, a blended between work costing and procedure costing. 2. Clarify why manifolds moved from Class II to Class III after oil dish and suppressor exhaust frameworks had been redistributed from the ACF. Regardless of upgrades in the creation procedure manifolds were downsized from Class II to III. The outcomes were not adequate, despite the fact that they expanded the uptime from a normal of 30% to 65% they were behind their Japanese rivals that arrived at a â€Å"world class†objective of 80% uptime. Moreover, as found in Exhibit 2, the immediate material expenses for manifolds (in view of tempered steel) is very high as a level of deals (around 40%) contrasted with different items fabricated at ACF and at a superior Class level. Be that as it may, there was an uncertainty on this move because of the chance of new market necessities for lighter weight (increasingly effective manifolds). This spoke to a decent open door for ACF in light of the fact that as they produced manifolds with treated steel, request could increment and along these lines selling cost as well.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Pierre Pierre per [key], city (1990 pop. 12,906), state capital (since 1889) and seat of Hughes co., central S.Dak., on the east bank of the Missouri River, opposite Fort Pierre; inc. 1883. Its economy is centered around agriculture (chiefly grains and cattle), tourism, and the state government. Electrical and irrigation equipment are manufactured. Originally the fortified capital of the Aricara, Pierre served as the trade center of the middle Missouri River from 1822 to 1855. From 1876 to 1885 it was the steamboat head for the Black Hills gold trade. The city boomed with the arrival of the railroad (1880), becoming an important trading and shipping center for a farm and ranch area. The Pierre Indian Learning Center is there, as is the South Dakota Discovery Center and Aquarium. Oahe Dam , a major unit of the Missouri River basin project, is nearby. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia art icles on: U.S. Political Geography
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis Seeing And Making Culture - 907 Words
Rhetorical Analysis: Seeing and Making Culture In ‘Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor’ by Bell Hooks, issues involving the poor and the rich in the society are brought to light. Hooks addresses issues such as how the poor are viewed in the community, common assumptions about the poor, and how the poor are represented in the media. In her analysis, it is evident that those living in poverty are grossly misrepresented. This misrepresentation affects these people’s daily lives. Hooks first argument stems from the false assumptions that she has encountered about the poor. She takes us years back to her college days where students and professors were labeled as ‘mindless, unworthy, shiftless, dishonest, and lazy (paragraph5). To her, those experiences were a culture shock because having being brought up in poverty, she had always been taught that there is no correlation between poverty and personal integrity. Furthermore, a person could be a hard worker and still be poor. The values of a human being can’t and should not be based on material possessions. She states that it is horrifying to think that the poor have no values. According to Bell Hooks, had it not been for the upbringing in a poor household, she would neither be the prolific writer that she is nor have good values. All the aforementioned assumptions indicate how lowly the United States contemporary society regards the poor. The poor are never portrayed as who they really are. The author’s agenda is toShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis : Seeing And Making Culture1053 Words  | 5 PagesInstr. Sarah McMahon Evelyn O’Brien Eng 122 8/30/15 Rhetorical Analysis I liked bell hook’s essay â€Å"Seeing and Making Culture: Representing the Poor†. Bell assesses the light in which higher class people view the poor or lower class. Bell hooks, also known as Gloria Watkins grew up in a small Kentucky town where her father worked as a janitor for the local post office. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Themes of Language and Racial Identity in Native Speaker,...
Chang-Rae Lee’s Native Speaker expresses prominent themes of language and racial identity. Chang-Rae Lee focuses on the struggles that Asian Americans have to face and endure in American society. He illustrates and shows readers throughout the novel of what it really means to be native of America; that true nativity of a person does not simply entail the fact that they are from a certain place, but rather, the fluency of a language verifies one’s defense of where they are native. What is meant by possessing nativity of America would be one’s citizenship and legality of the country. Native Speaker suggests that if one looks different or has the slightest indication that one should have an accent, they will be viewed not as a native of†¦show more content†¦If one does not look Caucasian and are believed to be seen as different or an alien, then it is more difficult to claim that one is truly an American native. Chang-Rae Lee points out that if one does not look like a typical white American, people use different criteria to judge whether or not one is truly an American Native. That criterion is nativity of language. Since America was made upon immigration, many people in this country consists of different cultural backgrounds and races. The collective language of America buttresses the common ground among its native people. Therefore nativity of language is a set criterion of determining a person’s â€Å"native-ness†of a certain place. Native Speaker gives the reader a perspective on the extent of what immigrants go through in order to be accepted or claimed as a native of America through language and suppressing cultural identity. Chang-Rae Lee demonstrates what Asian Americans experience in order to be deemed as a native of America and to fit and have a place in American society. Chang-Rae Lee uses the themes of language and identity throughout the novel as he impressively exemplifies the experiences that Asian Americans undergo as an immigrant in the land of the free. Throughout the novel he focuses on the notion of language and how being a native speaker provides evidence for one to claim or be seen as a native of America. Chang-Rae Lee
Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper Free Essays
There are several factors that can be used for why the murderer was never caught, firstly: There were no witnesses, whether this was part of the murderers plan, to find someone without people, or to kill them somewhere isolated then dump their body elsewhere is unknown. It could be accounted to luck that there were no witnesses, and the people who did come forward to give evidence gave several different descriptions, which contradicted each other. If there was someone who witnessed the murder, maybe he would have been caught. We will write a custom essay sample on Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The victims were prostitutes; people who usually avoided the police anyway. They were easy victims for several reasons. Firstly, they had a dangerous profession anyway, they risked being beaten up and murdered every night, so maybe with a serial killer out their, they didn’t see their chances as any lower or any higher of being murdered. They also really needed the money, to risk going out every night, they were very poor, so they still went out. They would take clients to a place that was isolated from other people, it made it easier for the murder, as noone would hear them, and there would be no witnesses. Also prostitutes were often drunk and vulnerable anyway, making them easier to silence. Because the killer did not know his victims, it made it harder to solve. It is the same case today with the Washington Sniper. If you target people you have no connection with, then there is no way to relate you to them. You cannot ask other friends or family about other people they knew in their life who might kill them, or who is suspicious. It gives the police no link, so they don’t have much to follow up on. Other than he was killing prostitutes, and there were hundreds in London. Also, this was one of the first big cases detectives of a poorer area (Whitechapel) had to deal with, their usual methods included rounding up suspicious looking suspects, and patrolling the poorer areas. This was obviously not going to work in this case. Because the Ripper had to blend in, if he wanted prostitutes to go with him. Also, the Ripper’s gruesome mutilation was not what the police were used to dealing with, it was not a domestic murder case, therefore they had no leads, but the Ripper was striking at random prostitutes, therefore they had no idea where he could be. There was also a lot of misleading evidence. There were hundreds of letters sent in claiming to be from Jack the Ripper. Only 3 of which are considered to be anywhere near liable. Two of which are from the same person, staring with â€Å"Dear Boss†for these two letters, it could have been sent in straight after reading the newspaper, or made up from a journalist trying to promote the story. The other one however, came with half a kidney, that looked likely to be taken from one of the victims. Other false leads like Leather Apron were also off-putting. The anti-semantic writing on the wall, found near Catherine Eddowes’s body, could have also have been a great help, or a disaster. If it was a clue, it was wiped off the wall, and therefore they could not use it to compare handwriting. Or it could be false, leading to riots. The Jews in the past had been blamed for a lot of murders, as they were widely disliked, but still held a lot of money and power in general. Any mention of the killer being Jewish would have lead to riots, which the police did not want on top of trying to catch the killer. It can be said they did their best using what evidence they had. There was no forensic evidence, finer prints were not used until 1901, there was no DNA evidence, and photography in this case had only just started, it made the police’s job finding evidence difficult with so little of anything to go on. If they had had DNA evidence, more accurate records of criminals and better security (cameras in the streets) then maybe he would have been caught. But because of limited evidence, of the killer leaving no weapons behind, and clothing and possession were later accounted for, the police had little to go on. The police were also under a lot of pressure from the press and politicians. With the press thinking up of one story after another, it maybe gave the police too many useless leads that wasted their time. The media was constantly bombarding the police force: their usual methods were slow, and not very effective. However now, they were under pressure to catch someone, they had to speed things up, which would have resulted in several wrong suspects, and evidence. They were expected by the public to catch the ripper, after 5 murders that were not prevented after heightened security from the police, it made the public and media put more pressure on. The killings stopped, there are several suspected reasons for this. However, if the murders had continued, it is entirely feasible that someone would have eventually caught him, with so few prostitutes on the street, and so many metropolitan police. Some suspected reasons are: The police were getting to near to catching him, to risky to carry on. He died, or was imprisoned for another crime. Many deaths went unreported to the police. Moved to another part of the UK, with not as good as the metropolitan police force, or just simply moved away. Or moved to another country. After the ripper murders, there were several murders in America, with the same pattern. Because of no international links, noone ever linked the two together. After committing so many crimes and knowing the end was near, killed himself, this too would have carried no concern with the press. He had killed enough people. This one is most unlikely. It has been observed with other psychopaths and serial killers, they only stop when they have been caught, or die. It was probably not as much of a lust as a fixation. They caught the Ripper, but it infact was connected to the royal family or government, and it would have been a huge public scandal, and uproar would ensure, so they never told the press, or anyone else in the police force he was caught. How to cite Why were the police unable to catch Jack the Ripper?, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Optus Company; sales and marketing department structures
Sales department Optus Company, being an electronic products seller ought to have an efficient sales department that can meet sales targets. This is taken into consideration bearing in mind the industry in which this company operates that depends on how a company is able to adapt to the changing environment and win customer satisfaction.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Optus Company; sales and marketing department structures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The sales department is structured in a way that, everything concerning sales can be done through online procedure (Yes OPTUS 2). This is a strategy to reach all mobile user customers on a global scale. The sales department has developed a special website for any one willing to purchase a headset from the company to access it. The procedures are clearly displayed on the web page for customers to follow from the initial ‘sales’ button to the end u ntil the product is purchased (Paul Budde 4). The payment mode together with the delivery process is accomplished. Therefore, the department can be said to be more of a decentralized structure than a centralized one since customers are able to access the company’s products from everywhere in the world. The department targets both internal and external customers. The products are sold to the customers with allowances attached to them to reduce the sales price in order to generate more sales for the company. Internal customers can easily access the products without using online procedures while external customers are recommended to use online mode (Renai 6). This has reduced customer traffic in the company’s main outlets and operating costs involved. Some of the mobile products offered by the company include Black berry, Samsung, LG and other mobile phone accessories. Marketing department This is yet another crucial department in a telecommunication industry. It is respo nsible for the development of products that meet customer satisfaction and demands. The processes in this department are also web-based in the Octopus Company (Rosenberg 6). The marketing manager carries out extensive promotions through sophisticated data base management tools that can warrant designing and distribution of the required products. These methods are cost effective. The success of the Optus can be attributed largely to this department since its marketing research and development has led development of high quality phones suitable for all social classes at affordable prices.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Online marketing has helped the Optus has build an online presence yet providing necessary and relevant information to the customers who contact the department hence saving costs of printing brochures and other materials to avail information to the customers. Customers are given an opportunity to interact with the company better. The department has monitors all its market outlets and stores to make sure everything is in good condition (Technology switched on 1). This is to ensure the availability of the products to the customers at all times. In collaboration with sales section, the department also ensures all the mobile phones sold or any other product reaches the customer in good time. Besides this section has succeeded in maintain excellent business relations with the suppliers of products and keep updating each other on the changing consumer needs. The efficiency in the marketing department has been strengthened through training of young innovative stars that have a passion for marketing and hence delivering innovative solutions to the department (Bingemann 5). Optus also relies on billboards to advertise its products to those having difficult with online access. Works Cited Bingemann, Mitchell. Optus scores lucrative interim satelli te deal. Web. Hildebrand, Joe. Optus dropouts enrage iPhone users but company says window tints are to blame. Technology switched on. Web. Paul Budde Communication Pty Ltd. Australia-Telco Company profiles-Optus-company overview and operating statistics-2010. Web. Renai, Lemay. Optus to launch the Xoom in June. Delimiter. Web.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Optus Company; sales and marketing department structures specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Rosenberg, Jen. Internet users clog mobile network. Web. Yes OPTUS. Company induction. Web. This report on Optus Company; sales and marketing department structures was written and submitted by user Blakely D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Free Essays on Youth And Value
Youth and Values In an attempt to challenge societal values, youth cultures, in the form of rebellion, act and dress radically and form groups in protest. These dissident actions against the structure of existing society promotes the beginning of new small groups which reflect their own rules, structures, class, gender and ethnic ideologies. So, the youth culture, in challenging societal values, at the same time is reflecting them. In comparing Margaret Mead's young adults in Coming of Age in Samoa to Russian youth it is evident where the differences arise. The Samoans strong cultural values leave little need for individual expression. Expectations of the children change as they get older. They know what is expected of them and want to follow the rules. In contrast, the youth in the Soviet Union, live in a culture of confusion. They feel constricted by the laws of the society, see families collapsing around them, and believe things should change. They want to be individuals and they want to live by their own values and ideas. Many come from broken homes and poor communities with little respect for authority. They rebel against what they feel is an unjust society and look for a culture or group that they can identify with. Often society depicts these groups as dangerous, deviant and delinquent. These groups, however, just show many of the valued structures of society, but in a more radical way. They have a standard code of dress, values, ethics and rebel in order to force their ideas onto the public and to feel part of a recognizable group. Margaret Mead noticed little individual differences among the Samoans. "We have seen that the Samoans have a low level of appreciation of personality differences" (Mead, 1973, 161). The Samoan's strong cultural and family traditional values do not allow for individualism. In comparison, Soviet ... Free Essays on Youth And Value Free Essays on Youth And Value Youth and Values In an attempt to challenge societal values, youth cultures, in the form of rebellion, act and dress radically and form groups in protest. These dissident actions against the structure of existing society promotes the beginning of new small groups which reflect their own rules, structures, class, gender and ethnic ideologies. So, the youth culture, in challenging societal values, at the same time is reflecting them. In comparing Margaret Mead's young adults in Coming of Age in Samoa to Russian youth it is evident where the differences arise. The Samoans strong cultural values leave little need for individual expression. Expectations of the children change as they get older. They know what is expected of them and want to follow the rules. In contrast, the youth in the Soviet Union, live in a culture of confusion. They feel constricted by the laws of the society, see families collapsing around them, and believe things should change. They want to be individuals and they want to live by their own values and ideas. Many come from broken homes and poor communities with little respect for authority. They rebel against what they feel is an unjust society and look for a culture or group that they can identify with. Often society depicts these groups as dangerous, deviant and delinquent. These groups, however, just show many of the valued structures of society, but in a more radical way. They have a standard code of dress, values, ethics and rebel in order to force their ideas onto the public and to feel part of a recognizable group. Margaret Mead noticed little individual differences among the Samoans. "We have seen that the Samoans have a low level of appreciation of personality differences" (Mead, 1973, 161). The Samoan's strong cultural and family traditional values do not allow for individualism. In comparison, Soviet ...
Monday, March 2, 2020
15 Vital College Survival Tips
15 Vital College Survival Tips In this quick-read article you’ll find 15 college survival tips that get straight to the heart of the matter. We didn’t waste time with fluff tips or nonsense. Each one is serious business so let’s get to it. 1. Make Eating Right Exercising Habitual Yes, really. Eating right is going to work miracles all by itself because you’ll be running on all cylinders. Exercise will keep you in shape and balanced. Being healthy is really a good idea (who’d-uh thunk it?) and it helps you get the most out of your college experience. 2. Maintain Relationships with the Right Professors Don’t hesitate. From the get-go you need to be establishing relationships with the professors that matter most to you given your goals/focus. Don’t be creepy or in a hurry. Just approach them and let them know they’ll be seeing you around for the next few years and you would love to get to know them. That’s it. Then practice being a student they’re pleased with. It makes college life so much easier when you’re connected to the right people. 3. Know Your Major from Day One Don’t be indecisive. Make a decision and stick with it. Don’t spend a year or two bouncing around from one major to the next wasting time and money. If you’re too young to think about your future in a mature way, maybe you should wait before committing to college? At the end of the day it’s not necessary, but knowing your major from the start makes college much more rewarding. 4. Get Lame Classes Done First Regardless of your major there are a bunch of classes you need to take. Some are the fun classes while others are going to be hard or boring electives you’re not interested in. Don’t avoid them. Get them done with as early as possible so you can spend as much time as possible on the classes that matter to you most. 5. Realize that College is Temporary Don’t get so lost in the moment that you make decisions which could really harm you down the road. Like, maybe it’s not a good idea to post videos on the net of you doing illegal or ridiculous things. Especially if you plan on becoming a teacher or public official. I mean live it up, but don’t forget that college is just a temporary place and the real world awaits you. Also, because college is temporary you really don’t need to take it so seriously that you cause yourself physical or psychological harm. Get it, do your time, get your degree(s) and then move on. It’s that simple. 6. Cradle a Sense of Balance Relax. Find ways to keep yourself balanced and cradle them because they mean so much. Resistance training really helps. Take a yoga class. Do something to keep your mind and body centered so that you don’t get too swept up into things. 7. Be Strategic with Procrastination We all procrastinate, it’s fine. Just make sure you use it wisely. Mid-terms aren’t a good choice†¦jus’sayin. 8. Destroy Your Comfort Bubbles You’re going to survive college. One way to make sure you get the most of it, is to demolish your comfort bubbles and explore, experiment, travel and make yourself available to exquisite experiences. 9. Are You Ready to be a Parent? Seriously. Sex is awesome and there are TONS of young sexy people in college. The question is, are you prepared to be a mommy or daddy? If not, then you need to take sex a bit more seriously. 10. Don’t Avoid Class Difficulty Maybe that class sounds awesome, but on the first day you felt like it might be better to swim in razor blades and lemon juice. Hold on a minute, don’t be so quick to hop out of classes that you find challenging. These are known as character-builder classes. 11. Go to Class! We had to include this one because we understand how powerful propaganda can be. The more you see, read and hear â€Å"go to class!†the higher the chances are that you’ll go. These classes cost money and they are time in your life you’ll never get back so you better take them seriously. 12. Learn How to Take Proper Notes This isn’t high school. Take notes seriously. Clue: you don’t need to take a â€Å"how to take notes†class. 13. Learn to Chill at Test Time The more prepared you are the more relaxed you’ll be. Don’t let anxiety and fear gobble up tons of your mental energy. Instead, make sure you’re prepared and ready to rock when test time comes. 14. Focus on the Right Kind of Friends Don’t let idiots drag you down. Hang with people that can help you succeed and vice versa. 15. Go to Tons of Events Take advantage of as many school events as possible, because then you’ll meet tons of people and create for yourself tons of opportunities (relationships). So how about it folks? Do you agree these are the big hitter survival tips or what? Let us know what you do to survive.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Evaluate the causes, consequences and lessons from the Cuban missile Essay - 1
Evaluate the causes, consequences and lessons from the Cuban missile crisis - Essay Example In world history and state politics, it is known under the name of the Caribbean crisis. The root cause of all the postwar conflict â€Å"between the USSR and the United States was a "cold war," started between the West and the East shortly after the Second World War†(J Blight, and D. Welch 1990). It is known that, according to historical and reference literature, this term designates the state of military-political confrontation between countries or groups of countries, at which arms race is used, various measures of economic pressure are applied (the embargo, the economic blockade, etc.) and organization of strategic military bases and staging grounds is performed. The Cold War was actively unleashed in 1949 and was discontinued in the second half of the 80's - early 90's of the XX century. It turned out that the hopes for "Big Three" postwar cooperation were ruined because of the mutual desire of the former anti-fascist coalition to rebuild the world in accordance with the ir â€Å"image and likeness†(J Blight, and D. Welch 1990). Germany partition between the former allies was not conflict-free. On April 4, 1949 the Atlantic Pact signing ceremony took place in Washington. The Soviet Union worked actively on its own power consolidation. In Eastern Europe and China there were pro-communist regimes established. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and military bloc "Warsaw Pact" appeared under the auspices of the Soviet Union. There were too many reasons for the Cold War start. But the main reason was the mankind, especially the great powers, unwillingness to create a system of international relations based on equality and cooperation. Force still remained the main principle of world politics organization. The Great powers, primarily the USA and the USSR, could not give up their imperial techniques of national interests’ protection, which were the capture of spheres of influence and unequal treaties imposition. Since there were no h istorical conditions for other way, the cold war was inevitable. Certainly, that epoch was accompanied with the periods of stabilization, relapse, and "warming". Thus, the 1949-1953 was a period of acute onset, 1953-1957 - the time of Cold War stabilization, 1957-1962 - entered the history of international relations as a time of conflicts, 1962 -1978 is considered to be a time of â€Å"detente†(Gregory B. Marfleet 256-257). It seemed that during the period from 1957 till 1962 the world leaders acted in accordance with the principle of â€Å"we need more deep and different conflicts†. Geography of crisis conflicts was Berlin, Cuba, Algeria, Congo, Lebanon and Taiwan. The conflicts of the interblock ground (Berlin and Cuba), were extremely acute. The following facts suggest that both sides - East and West, the USSR and the U.S were responsible for the â€Å"Cold War†epoch. â€Å"The source of the Cuban missile crisis was the events of January, 1959, when the gu errilla war on the island of Cuba ended with the fall of pro-American regime (J Blight, and D. Welch 1990)†. Then the revolutionary-nationalist forces came to power in Cuba. Rebel leader Fidel Castro led a new government. His primary task, according to his assessment, was Cuban independence and social reforms. The implementation of his plans stumbled upon the U.S. repulse, which had its considerable property on the island. Castro implemented the property
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The effect of Salbutamol on the response of Ileum to Acetylcholine Essay
The effect of Salbutamol on the response of Ileum to Acetylcholine - Essay Example This clearly implies that there is no significant effect of sulbutamol on the way the ileum responds to acetylechline. However, there is a significant effect of the sulbutamol on the way ileum responds to nicotine. This desensitisation was purely characterised by increasing values of EC (50) of nicotine without a change in its maximal effect. This thus implies that treatment of ileum with salbutamol after exposure to the acetylcholine, had little desensitisation while treatment of ileum with salbuamol after exposure to nicotine caused some larger increase in the Nicotine-mediated phoshoinositide hydrolysis. Response to question 2. Salbutamol could be referred to as an adrenergic agonist receptor, which is used to reduce the effects of bronchospasm in diseases like asthma. It is also used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, pulmozyme, acetylcysteine, and iprptropium that is linked to DOK-7. As an example of a beta2-agonist, sulbutanol can also be used in obstetrics. The salbutamol th at is intravenous could be utilised as a tocolytic in relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus, and hence delay premature labour. This has made sulbutamol be the most preferred agent. In the context of this experiment, salbutamol antagonist’ caused a parallel shift of the given dose response curve.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Animal Farm, by George Orwell Essay -- Animal Farm Essays
The main purpose of satire is to attack, and intensely criticise the target subject. This is superbly carried out in the classic piece of satire, Animal Farm. The main targets at the brunt of this political satire are the society that was created in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, and the leaders involved in it. George Orwell successfully condemns these targets through satirical techniques such as irony, fable, and allegory. The immediate object of attack in Orwell's political satire is the society that was created in Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. The events narrated in Animal Farm obviously and continuously refer to events in another story, the history of the Russian Revolution. In other words, Animal Farm is not only a charming fable ("A Fairy Story," as Orwell playfully subtitles it) and a bitter political satire; it is also an allegory. The main target of this allegory is Stalin, represented by Napoleon the pig. He represents the human fr ailties of any revolution. Orwell believed that although socialism is a good ideal, it could never be successfully adopted due to uncontrollable sins of human nature. For example, although Napoleon seems at first to be a good leader, he is eventually overcome by greed and soon becomes power-hungry. Of course Stalin did too in Russia, leaving the original equality of socialism behind, giving him all the power and living in luxury while the common pheasant suffered. Orwell explains: â€Å"Somehow it s...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
A Clockwork Orange: Political Impacts
A Clockwork Orange: Political Impacts When A Clockwork Orange was released in the early 70's it was instantly seen as controversial sparking huge amounts of criticism in America and Britain from renowned film critics, government officials and members of conservative groups. In the late 60's Western society and culture was changing along with Western Cinema as a result of the old studio system collapsing, signalling the end of Classical Hollywood films.With the rise of television into popular culture and a drop in box office successes, running from 1947 to the late 60's, it was made apparent a new and fundamentally different product was needed. A younger audience for cinema was developing, interested in films that reflect their generations experiences, resulting in the creation of the anti-hero. Films like Easy Ryder (67), Bonnie and Clyde (67) and The Wild Bunch (69) didn't show traditional values and ideologies usually seen in Hollywood films. Instead it showed outlaws as the protag onists fighting against the older generations dated views through violence.When A Clockwork Orange was released in both Britain and America it was given an X-rated certificate as well as limited distribution in spite of the films box office success and various awards. Upon the release of the film in America, conservative forces protested against the film being showed and a number of American newspapers refused to advertise it. In august 1972 Kubrick withdrew the film from American distribution for 60 days resulting in a reedited version, cutting out 30 seconds of the most violent material. The MPAA then promptly changed the rating from X to R although both versions continued to circulate as the hysteria died down.However in Britain the controversy of A Clockwork Orange started before its actual release. In the Mid 60's the initial script, written by Terry Southern and Michael Cooper, was rejected by the BBFC, under government pressure, who stated ‘there is no point reading the script because it involves youth defiance of authority and we're not doing that'. This generally showed the British attitude towards censorship at the time and pathed the way for the films future problems. The BBFC however eventually accepted a later version of the script on the grounds that the controversial materials were justified by the story.The controversy continued near its release with the Conservative Home Secretary Reginald Maulding demanding to see the film to assess it's dangers to British society and a right-wing censorship group ‘A Festival of Light' petitioned for the film to be banned completely. In 1973 the Hastings council banned A Clockwork Orange on the grounds that it was ‘violent for it's own sake' and had ‘no moral' . In 1974 after a series of supposed ‘copycat' killings inspired by the film caused Kubrick to withdraw the film completely from British distribution. It remained withdrawn for 27 years until Kubrick's death in 1999.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Similar Gothic Elements in the Work of Edgar Allan Poe and...
Similar Gothic Elements in the Work of Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe are considered masters of American gothic fiction. They used similar gothic elements in their writing and used it to build up a sense of impending doom. Even today numerous readers enjoy, study, and discuss the gothic elements both utilized in their work. Gothic writing is a style that is concerned with the dark side of society, an evil that lies within the self. Poe and Hawthorne contributed stories which contained dark struggles between characters and society with its rules of order of the time. Gothic writing is fantasy meant to entertain despite the fact that it depicts the political and social problems†¦show more content†¦For it is only within the context of this nightmare that one can explain why â€Å"Usher,†occupies such an important place in the 19th century development of the Gothic genre. With great attention to economy of expression and unity of effect, this pattern would be revisited by countless other Gothi c stylists†(Dougherty 6). This means that Poe used the fantasy of impending doom in â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher†to change it from being just an upper class dream, to a tale of horror which brought together some of the political situations in the nineteenth century such as those of race and class. Hawthorne and Poe successfully incorporated gothic elements in their writing which provides greater insight to the meaning and interpretation of their works. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe utilized specific literary elements to bring their stories to life for their readers. For instance, Poe uses imagery to transform â€Å"The Fall of the House of Usher,†into a rebellion of inharmonious elements. The house has the same structure as a human head, with windows shaped like eyes, and as it begins to fall into disrepair so to do the humansShow MoreRelatedGothic Literature : The Dark Side Of Romanticism1518 Words  | 7 PagesGothic literature is the d ark side of Romanticism. The theme of Gothic stories is either mysterious, horror, or even death. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe are authors that demonstrate Gothic literature. Some of their work include, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†written by Edgar Allan Poe and â€Å"The Birthmark†by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The Cask of Amontillado tells how the narrator Montresor seeks revenge on his acquaintance, Fortunato. Montresor to desperate measures and did not catch. However, inRead MoreGothic Fiction Of Hawthorne And Poe Essay1919 Words  | 8 PagesGothic Fiction of Hawthorne and Poe When discussing gothic fiction many early authors come to mind, Mary Shelley, the Bronte Sisters, Bram Stoker, and Oscar Wilde, to name a few, were all exceptional European writers of this style. As for American authors, there are two names that hold top places of honor, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Poe, with his talent for lyrical, poetic prose and conveying the macabre, is considered by many to be the master of gothic fiction. However, HawthorneRead MoreHistory of the Development of the Short Story.3660 Words  | 15 PagesThe Short Story. Basic Literary Elements of The Short Story. 1.1.History of The Development of The Short Story. 1.1.1.Early Forms.Origins. The short story refers to a work of fiction that is usually written in prose, usually in narrative format. This format or medium tends to be more pointed than longer works of fiction, such as novellas (in the 20th and 21st century sense) and novels or books. Short story definitions based upon length differ somewhat even among professional writersRead MoreSupernatural in American Fiction Essay2928 Words  | 12 PagesGhost hunting clubs, alien-searching satellites, and psychics are only a few of the many outlets available to Americans in modern times. Media plays a large role in arousing the publics interest in the fantastic.21 The novels of Anne Rice, a gothic-horror writer, appeal to a large audience, and her three book series have quite a cult following. Her two main series are The Vampire Chronicles and The Mayfair Witches.22 The Vampire Chronicles portrays modern vampires through a vampires eyesRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 PagesAny literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The reader’s interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. That’s why one cannot lay down a fixed â€Å"model†for a piece of critical appreciation. Nevertheless, one can give information and suggestions that may prove helpful. PLOT The Elements of Plot When we refer to the plot of a work of fiction, then
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